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Online Banking

Reducing your debt can be an important part of your overall financial health. If you need to make home improvements, consolidate bills, finance a new car, send a child to college, pay off credit cards, or finance a wedding. . .whatever the reason you need money. . .using the equity in your home is the sensible way to borrow.

A Financial Plus Home Equity Loan is a great way to borrow. The interest may be tax deductible (check with your tax adviser), the interest rate is far lower than most credit cards, and the repayment can be set up to meet your needs. Pay it back over a period of time, or all at once. . .whatever is best for you.

Financial Plus offers a variable rate home equity loan. We will loan you up to 80% of your home's appraised value, minus what you owe on your First Mortgage. Once your loan is approved, your funds are available when you need them for up to 15 years with 15 years to repay. The Credit Union does not charge an annual fee or have point charges. Normal closing costs range from $900 to $1,400, depending on the amount of equity you have in your home.

If you belong to our Ultimate Plus Club, you'll receive reduced closing costs. Check with us for details or read the information on our Ultimate Plus Club section of this website.