Financial Literacy
1982 Financial Plus Credit Union started the Wiley Wabbit Club for newborns
through age 9 and the TNT Club for children ages 10-19. With the inception of these
youth clubs, Financial Plus Credit Union has worked diligently to instill
strong money management habits within our young members. These clubs now have
over 6,000 combined members.
addition to our youth clubs for members we have also welcomed the opportunity
to teach financial literacy to our communities through involvement with various
schools and organizations. With countless appearances over the years, we
continue our dedication to the financial well being of our communities. No
matter the age, from your children to adults, we have classes and tools
available to help continue our efforts. Contact us to see how we can help your
class or organization.

Save at School
We work with local school partners to provide students the opportunity to open their own savings account and make deposits right at school.

See Where We Have Been
Check out all the schools we have attended to teach our students about financial literacy.

Mad City Money
This simulation gives high school students the chance to learn from real life financial choices.

CU Inside
Get a closer look at how FPCU works and see what we have to offer.